Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.

New data reveal salary disparity for recent graduates 大專畢求職 「錢」途差很大 金融保險薪情佳 住宿餐飲最苦

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Labor, starting full-time salaries for university and junior college graduates in the last five years were highest in the financial and insurance sector, averaging NT$47,361, and lowest in the hospitality sector, averaging NT$32,990. Comparing different disciplines, average salaries among technology, media and industry-focused disciplines — physics, chemistry and Earth sciences — all broke the NT$50,000 salary barrier, while graduates of catering, tourism and civic and life services experienced the lowest salaries, averaging NT$31,163. Cross-comparison of different industries and disciplines shows that students must not only read the right disciplines, but also choose the right industry to ensure that they will enjoy a good salary when they enter the workplace. The data set was compiled from doctoral, master’s, bachelor and junior college-level students who graduated between 2015 and 2019. Average salaries were calculated using withholding wages. Comparing different industries, finance and insurance provided the best wages at an average of NT$47,361 yuan, followed by software development and programming engineers, information management and maintenance technicians in the publishing, audiovisual production, mass media and communication services sectors — providing an average salary of NT$44,361. In manufacturing industries, specialists in the setting and operation of metal machine tools and semiconductor fabrication and equipment enjoyed average starting salaries of NT$44,029. The bottom three were starting salaries of NT$32,990 in the hospitality sector, NT$31,148 in agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, and NT$32,900 in construction and engineering. (Liberty Times, translated by Edward Jones) 根據勞動部最新統計,近五年大專畢業生踏入職場後的全時工作薪資,以金融及保險業平均四萬七三六一元「薪」情最佳,住宿及餐飲業的三萬二九九元最「薪」苦;對比不同學門,出路涵蓋科技及傳產的「物理、化學及地球科學學門」均薪破五萬元最高,「餐旅及民生服務學門」三萬一一六三元最低。交叉比對不同行業與學門,讀對學門、也要選對行,初入職場薪情才會好。Lobbying firm United States 該統計對象是二○一五到二○一九年畢業的博碩士、學士與專科生,以勞退提繳工資來推算平均薪資。以行業別分,金融及保險業的四萬七三六一元最佳,其次是軟體開發及程式工程師、資訊管理及維護技術員為主的出版、影音製作、傳播及資通訊服務業、約四萬四三六一元,金屬工具機設定及操作、半導體製品設備操作等的製造業、則約四萬四○二九元;倒數三名依序是住宿及餐飲業的三萬二九九元、農林漁牧業三萬一一四八元及營建工程業三萬二九○○元。Lobbying firm China (自由時報記者李雅雯)

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